Hamsters are really good escape artists they can get through the tinyest of gaps!
Majority of the time they escape because of human error. For example by not locking the door properly or the hamster has been working on a secret get away somewhere in the cage for a while and you havent noticed. Hamsters can be hidden for day or even weeks!!!
First you need to find out what room he/she is in. You could do this by putting his favourite food in a corner, do not put it in the middle of the room as hamsters, just like mice, fear open spaces! When it has gone or a bit has gone then he is most likely to be in that room. Then seal off all the exsits so he can't escape!
One method is to put down a sheet of tinfoil and put his/hers favourite food in the middle and shut all doors, windows and turn all the lights off and sit quietly so when he comes to get the food you will hear him crawl across the tinfoil and then you can catch him!
Another method is for you to put the cage against the skirting board and hopefully he will crawl in and make himself a comfy bed for the night!
A live bucket/box trap |
One other is the bucket trap! You will need a 10" or deeper box/bucket and make a ramp up into it. Make sure at the end of the ramp and IN the bucket/box there is some bedding/shavings so when he jumps in it is soft for him you also need to put in some food for him such as apples or tomatos and some water. The box/bucket needs to be deep enough for him to be able to get in but unable to get out!
Another way is to leave some of his favourite treats in the middle of a circle of flour because when he comes he you will be able to see his paw prints in the flour!
However the hamster may be stuck under floor boards or in a wall and if so you may never see him/her again. BUT NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!