Highlighting work carried out by the Dinnington Comprehensive School Journalist team
Friday, 20 January 2012
The Northern Lights Have Got Lost.

Thursday, 19 January 2012
The UK School Games
The facts:
This event hopes to copy the Olympic and Paralympic games even with the opening and closing ceremonies!
About 1,600 young athletes will compete!
Upto 35,000 spectators will be able to, in person, see the event.
It will be the last event held on the park until the Olympics Opening Ceremony on the 27th of July.
There will be disability events in six sports: athletics, fencing, swimming, judo, table tennis and wheelchair basketball.
Around 2,000 hotel rooms around the ExCel arena are estimated to be used as the athlete's village.
Tickets are not already on sale but will be soon. They sell quick so be ready online.
Polar Bear Cub Lives With Humans
A female Polar bear cub was born on New Years Day and rejected by its mum and ended up having to be hand reared.
According to staff at at Penglai Ocean and Polar Region World, an aquarium in China's eastern Shandong Province the cub is in stable condition. Weighing in at only half a kilogram and being bottle fed, the female cub is being kept in an incubator after she had problems with her digestion system.
The cub also was suffering from severe malnutrition due to lack of her mothers milk.Aquarium staff are optimistic about her future however, stating that the cub is no longer in critical condition and will be ready for her first public appearance in six months' time.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Now it's there, now it's not…
The treasured possession, decorated elaborately with emeralds and diamonds, was seen at 11.24pm on the fourth floor of the Four Seasons Hotel, and reported missing just 7 minutes later. Miss Gruosi-Scheufele, co-president of the high-end establishment Chopard, was in Hong Kong to celebrate the opening of a new store. A HK$500,000 reward is in place, however no information has been received. The likelihood is that the ring has already been sold, but investigations will continue into the near future.
Hollywood horror!
The police are in the process of trying to discover the identity of the mystery man. According to one report, the head belongs to the head of an American in his 40s who had salt and pepper in his hair.
The head was found by two female dog walkers on the hillside below the fa mos sign.
They had seen their dogs playing with an object, which on closer inspection turned out to be the "relatively fresh" severed head.
Detectives guarded the Canyon Dive scene overnight and are looking for other body parts that may under cover more about this mystery head in the hill.
Just think imagine finding a severed head on a walk! yuck
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
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Sport Wordsearch
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black widow bomb !
Thief Destroys 14 Cars In One Go.
A traffic police officer attempted to flag down the stolen car but the driver refuse to stop and tried to make a getaway. Blocked by stationary traffic he ploughs into several car, in a series of forward and reverse manoeuvres. The footage shows the police officer running after the car as surrounding cars are stuck in traffic, blocking the stolen cars route.
As the policeman reaches into the car to stop it, the man reverses and hits a motorcycle. Later the footage shows the car further up the road still trying to escape the police and crashes into several other cars and a truck.
The incident took place in Meizhou, Guangdong Province on December 20th 2011 during rush hour. The driver was later arrested and charged with endangering public safety
Can horses swim?
This resulted in the two life boat crews and the horses trying to rescue the horse. In the end two members of the lifeboat crew and the horses owner ended up saveing it from the dangours tide.
A happy ending!
Monday, 16 January 2012
The Titanic of 2012
Not even 300 yards off the Italian shore in the med was the boat when it sunk so passengers literally jumped of and swam to safety.
There have been many roumors about the ship and captain. Alot of people say that the captain was one of the first to jump off to safety, even though the captain should go last. Although its resting on the sea bed, the ship is in fear of sliding off and rupturing the fuel tanks. The ship is at the moment in water at a depth of 45ft but if it slides it will go down to 100ft.