Highlighting work carried out by the Dinnington Comprehensive School Journalist team
Friday, 21 October 2011
Lady Gaga VS Lady Goo goo
The Paparazzi singer gained an interim injunction against the parent company of the wildly popular Moshi Monsters, banning Lady Goo Goo from performing songs on YouTube, the Guardian has learned.
The Lady Goo Goo character became an internet hit in the summer with the release of a music video called The Moshi Dance on YouTube.
Moshi Monsters had planned to release the song on iTunes, via a new division, Moshi Music, designed to exploit its animated characters, and launch an album of Moshi music later this year.
The character also sings a song called "Peppy-razzi".
Justice Vos, in the High Court on Monday, said that Mind Candy, Moshi Monsters' British parent company, cannot play or offer the parody song for sale. But he also ruled that Lady GooGoo could still appear in the Moshi Monsters game – without the song.
Lady Gaga's injunction bans the company from "promoting, advertising, selling, distributing or otherwise making available to the public The Moshi Dance or any musical work or video that purports to be performed by a character by the name of Lady Goo Goo, or that otherwise uses the name Lady Goo Goo or any variant thereon".
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Natalie. The girl with wierd eating illness
Natalie is only 3 years old and has has a VERY rare illness that causes her to eat non edible objects like plants and bricks!!!. She is in risk of being poisoning and almost died after eating a light bulb. The illness called pica leads her to eating rocks,sticks,plants and bricks. Her mum said ' she can eat a brick like some one eats a chocolate chip cookie'.
They have been trying to stop her eating these things but the craving is to much for her to handle. Her parents are worried that the next thing she eats may kill her. The were really scared when they found out she eaten a light bulb. Her mum said ' I had put Natalie to bed and i was in the kitchen doing the washing up when she walked intot he room and held up a small piece of wire. Her mouth was bleeding badly and then i knew suddenly what had happened. Natty had eaten an light bulb, everythin except the wire. I was terrified and all i could think of was the dangerous glass in her body'. Natalie was taken to the hospital to have surgary to get the glass removed from her stomach. Her parents are really happy that she is still alive.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
20 Wierd & Wonderful Facts
Babies are born without knee caps. They don’t appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.
Every time Beethoven sat down to write a song he poured ice over his head.
An owl has three eyelids.
The sound of E.T walking was made by someone squishing there hands in jelly.
Hair is made from the same substance as fingernails.
Kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
The face of a penny can hold 30 drops of water.
China has more English speakers than the United States.
You share your birthday with at least 9 other million people in the world.
A rabbit is not able to vomit.
A leech has 32 brains.
On average, a person will spend about five years eating during their lifetime.
Tomatoes and cucumbers are fruits.
Bubble gum contains rubber.
It’s against the law to sneeze or burp in a certain church in Nebraska.
Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
Sharks are immune to cancer.
Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time.
The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable."
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Top Gun sequel rumours

The Top Gun sequel will be written by X-Men: First Class contributors Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz. Now I love Top Gun and I don't like to idea of a 2nd; I mean what could happen? Tom Cruise has to be in it; but he's getting old, he's nearly 50! I never liked many of the X Men films, so they better do a good job on Top Gun 2. It's also rumoured that Tony Scott is going to be involved, which I think is a great idea as he's a good directer and did the 1st Top Gun.
I have no doubt that it will make a lots of money at the box offices as the 1st film was the most grossed film of the year. It came out in 1986 and made $176,786,701.
Transformers 4 and 5

The Transformers franchise has made $2,671,104,163 and the 3rd film (Dark of the Moon) is the 4th highest grossing film of all time; so how could Hasbro and Paramount say no to Transformers 4 and 5? Apparently they are discussing with Steven Spielberg and director Michael Bay about the new films.
Michael Bay has said in the past that he’d does not want to continue with Transformers 4 that he wants to move on to new things like Bad Boys 3 and Pain And Gain. But he might change his mind, as he loves making loads of money and to play with new filmmaking toys (like 3D). So there’s a chance he’ll be back. i'm a huge fan of Transformers but i'm unsure if I would like to see Michael Bay back. He's awesome at making action/fights/explosion scenes, but when it comes to plot he's not so awesome. I think that Steven Spielberg or Christopher Nolan should be included as they are great directors who will give the Transformers franchise a whole new look and feel.
One person who i'm really sad to see to go is Shia LaBeouf (one of my favourite actors) , who has moved on to other things like Bay. Even though he's not the star of the film like Optimus Prime and company, he's the character we all relate to and want him to win. Rumours of Jason Statham taking over, which I think is a bad idea because he's too old; I want a young boy, "trying to fit in kind" of guy, not a guy in his 40s. Steven Spielberg and Ehren Kruger(writer) are definately back; he even starts to write the 4th one all ready which the executives are apparently happy with.
The Riots..
Monday, 17 October 2011
Einstein Wrong?

Until now everyone believed in Einstein's theory, but now no one is so sure. Scientists in Switzerland proved him wrong when they were doing an experiment to see how fast 1500 small particles can travel from Switzerland to Italy, which is over 500 miles in length, over a 3 year time frame. The particles travelled through a specially made tunnel underground. When they got to Italy; scientists say that it took them only one billionth of a second. That's when they made a startling discovery. The particles travelled faster than light through the tunnel. Light would have travelled over that distance in 2.4 thousandth of a second. One of the scientists says that he is amazed at the new discovery, and is not so sure what to do now. "It is a tiny difference, but conceptually it is incredibly important. The finding is so startling that, for the moment, everybody should be very prudent," said Dr Ereditato who works at Berne University in Switzerland.
If the calculations are right, then does this mean that Einstein was wrong, and that we have been living with this theory for more than a hundred years? Everyone is wondering what Albert would say if he was still alive. Many different theories were proved wrong, like the one that Earth is flat and not a sphere; and the one that Earth was the centre of the universe and everything rotated around it. The theory that nothing can be faster than light, has joined a never-ending list of theories that have been proved wrong. Hang on, what if the calculations are wrong? What if Einstein's theory hasn't been proved wrong?
Samsung... in court again
Andrew Barringer SCAN
Sunday, 16 October 2011
World’s largest chocolate bar made in Deryshire!

2012 Olympics Parking Fine Risen

The Final Decision will be given in December before it begins.
Do we think the government pocking more money?
Goodbye Steve Jobs, Hello iPhone 4s.

Many investors reacted out of fear, but most decided to wait and see what happened next, which turned out to be a very smart move as iphone 4s sales were on course to set a new apple record. Queues were seen at Apple stores across the UK as gadget lovers attempted to become one of the first people to own the new mobile. Apple sold 1.7 million units on the launch weekend for the iPhone 4 in 2010 but analysts believed sales for the 4S were going to be double that figure.
What is the difference between the iphone 4 and the iphone 4s? Well honestly not a lot, apparently the iphone 4s has a built in assistant, using voice activation to send messages, reminders etc, an 8 mega-pixel camera with built in face detection as apposed to the 5 mega-pixel camera on the iphone 4, but most importantly… the iphone 4s is an astonishing 3 grams lighter than the iphone 4!!
With all these improvements I’m not surprised the iphone 4s managed to break apple sales record by 66%!!
Wootton Bassett honoured with new title
This is because the towns residents have turned out 167 times for 345 soldiers between 2007 and August 2011 to commemorate and mourn the lives of fallen soldiers being driven through the town's streets.
The honourable title was requested by PM David Cameron as an "enduring symbol of the nation's admiration" and the town is now one of three that have been honoured (the others being Royal Tunbridge Wells and Royal Lemington Spa).