Saturday, 7 July 2012

Good Bye Summer...

It is now in summer for the UK. But it sure doesn’t look like it’s summer down here!

In June we had some very warm days/weeks indeed. It was almost like summer had come early and we was all looking forward to the summer in July/August. Sadly the weather has extremely disappointed us as all July had to welcome us with was a mega down pour of heavy rain and strong powerful winds!

You just couldn’t believe that in March, April, May, June we had some really nice summery days, where we were all sun bathing and having barbeques in our gardens and going out to nice places in summer clothes. Then look now. Everyone is indoors, gazing out the windows at the heavy thundery rains outside. A real disappoint for us all!

In some parts on the UK, there has been some major flooding. Destroying people’s homes where they live. Currently where I live, it’s pouring it down with rain. Luckily we haven’t been affected by the rain, but the rain has been pouring down since this morning! We sure do have an eventful summer ahead of us!

Friday, 6 July 2012

Fast Girls - The Movie

There is a new film coming out which ties into the whole Olympic Mood, that seems to have swept the country of it's feet.

It's called Fast Girls and it's all to do with the Olympics and two runners that are very competitive and the both get put in the Great Britain 4x100 relay. So it is a good drama.

Here is the advert for it:


As you may know we have been put on an AMBER flood warning! The rain is not stopping today and it is with us all weekend! Click on the link below to see weather reports from the world:

Google disputes Android botnet spam claim

Google has disputed claims that many Android phones have been infected with a virus that makes them keep churning out spam. On July 4th, Microsoft researcher Terry Zink claimed to have found evidence that Android phones being enrolled into a botnet.

Botnets normally use infected PCs as generators of but Mr Zink said he found evidence that Android smartphones were being used in the same way.
 In a statement, Google said there was no evidence to support Mr Zink's claim.

The search giant's investigation suggested that the junk messages started on PCs but the spammers sending them changed them to look like they came from Android smartphones.

"Our analysis suggests that spammers are using infected computers and a fake mobile signature to try to bypass anti-spam mechanisms in the email platform they're using," said Google.

The Shard Laser Show.

London is already famous for Big Ben, the tower of London, Parliament but now there is a new attraction. The shard.
Lasers shine from The Shard in London. The European Union's highest building designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano, stands at 310 meters tall situated on London's Southbank is formally inaugurated this evening at 10pm with a laser show that will also be streamed live on the internet

Lasers shine from The Shard in London. The European Union's highest building designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano, stands at 310 meters tall situated on London's Southbank is formally inaugurated this evening at 10pm with a laser show that will also be streamed live on the internet

Lasers shine from The Shard in London. The European Union's highest building designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano, stands at 310 meters tall situated on London's Southbank is formally inaugurated this evening at 10pm with a laser show that will also be streamed live on the internet

It was officially opened last night, with a spectacular laser show. It is the biggest man made building in Europe standing at 1,016 feet high. Twelve lasers and spot lights lighted up the night sky as they celebrated the Grand Opening. The lasers stretched out between all the other famous landmarks in London including the London eye and the Tower Bridge.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Justin Bieber Protects His Mum!!!

Apparently, Justin Bieber has banned Harry Styles from meeting his mum. Why? Because he is worried he might try to ask his mum out on a date!
Justin and Harry have become good friends but now reports say that Bieber reckons his mum is so good-looking Harry might try to date her. This particularly because he fancies women that are older than him. Selena Gomez, Who's Justin Biebers girlfriend, told a newspaper: '' Both me and Justin still have really fit mums.''
''Justin was like,'Harry might have become one of my best buddies, but with his record we need to keep him away from our moms.' ''
Yikes! Watch out Mrs Bieber-you have been warned!
Harry Styles and Justin Bieber

The Olympic Medals are locked up in The Tower Of London!

An Olympic medal is awarded to successful competitors at one of the Olympic Games. There are three medals: gold, silver and bronze. The winner is awarded the gold medal, the runner-up the silver medal, and third place is awarded the bronze medal.

All the Olympic medals are officially locked up in the Tower Of London! They will remain there until they are needed. Altogether, 4,700 medals have been produced and they are all locked up in the vaults of the tower. The arrival of the medals was announced by a fanfare of trumpeters of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Collingwood, the Tower’s famous Yeoman Warders and 150 Get Set network school children from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

If you have ever wondered why the medals are circular, then listen to this. They are circular because they represent the world. The front of the medal always shows the Greek goddess of victory, stepping out of the Parthenon to arrive in the host city.

The very first medals will be awarded at the Olympics, from the shooting event. We will all wait in hesitation to see what happens. I’m sure the whole world can’t wait to see the opening ceremony!

Cadbury's Chocolate...

There are many types of chocolate. The most popular chocolate brand is Cadbury's.

Cadbury's bars are...

Cadbury Dairy Milk Bubbly
Cadbury Dairy Milk Bubbly with white centre
Bournville Classic Dark
Bournville Old JamaicaBrunch Bar - Chocolate ChipBrunch Bar - Cranberry & orangeBrunch Bar - Hazelnut
Brunch Bar - Raisin
ButtonsCadbury Dairy MilkCadbury Dairy Milk Advent Calendar
Cadbury Dairy Milk Bliss - Chocolate
Cadbury Dairy Milk Bliss - HazelnutCadbury Dairy Milk Bliss - ToffeeCadbury Dairy Milk Bliss - VanillaCadbury Dairy Milk ChocosCadbury Drinking Chocolate
Cadbury Instant Hot ChocolateCadbury Snack Sandwich [Alcoholic Flavourings]
Cadbury Snack Shortcake
Cadbury Snack Wafer
Cadbury WishesCaramel Egg Minis
Caramel Egg StandardCaramel Nibbles
ChompClustersCocoa - BournvilleCreme Egg Minis
Creme Egg Standard
Crème Egg Twisted
CrunchieCrunchie RocksCurly WurlyDairy Milk BubblyDairy Milk Caramel
Dairy Milk CrunchieDairy Milk TurkishFlakeFlake AllureFlake DippedFreddoFreddo Caramel
Fruit & Nut
Frys Chocolate Cream
Frys Orange Cream
Frys Peppermint Cream
Frys Turkish Delight
FudgeGiant Buttons
HeroesHighlights Dark ChocolateHighlights Fudge
Highlights Milk ChocolateI Love Cadbury Pralines
KOKO Truffles assortedKOKO Truffles MilkMilk TrayMini EggsRoses AssortmentsSelection Pack Range
StarbarTimeoutTwirlTwirl Bites
White Buttons
Whole Nut
WispaWispa Gold
The story...
Cadbury was founded almost 200 years ago. Delve into the fascinating history and you'll find a wealth of interesting facts on subjects including advertising, Cadbury family, past and present products and philanthropy. 
(If you want to know the full story, go to

Adele Is Expecting A Baby!

Adele was born on the 5th of May 1988. She is an English singer-songwriter and musician. Adele was offered a recording contract from XL Recordings after a friend posted her demo on MySpace in 2006. The next year she received the Brit Awards "Critics' Choice" award and won the BBC Sound of 2008. Her debut album, 19, was released in 2008 to much commercial and critical success.

Adele has announced that she is having a baby with her boyfriend Simon Konceki.
The female singer has recently announced on her website that she is expecting to have a baby. She does not yet know what gender her baby will be, when it is due or what the baby’s name will be yet. Adele posted this statement about it:
I’m delighted to announce that Simon and I are expecting our first child together. I wanted you to hear the news direct from me!”

What is the easiest language to learn as an english speaker? Self generated.

The 9 easiest and most useful languages to learn as an English speaker (besides English) are as follows...


Afrikaans and English both derive from the West Germanic language family. Unlike English though, the Afrikaans language is not inflective. This means that with some memorized vocabulary, you can build sentences as you would a Lego tower, stacking words without worry of conjugation. In other words, you’ll hardly be a grammar slave if you take up this logical language.

Hello: Hallo
Goodbye: Totsiens
Yes: Ja
No: Geen
Please: Asseblief 
Thankyou: Dankie dat u


As with most Scandinavian languages, the biggest hurdle with studying Danish is in being able to practice. Danish is said to be the hardest Scandinavian language to learn because of its speaking patterns. It is generally spoken more quickly and more softly than other Scandinavian languages. Grammatically, though, it’s relatively easy. Danish has only nine verb forms, including the passive, which is peculiar to Scandinavian languages but familiar to English speakers. Danish has a lot of Germanic-based cognate vocabulary too: Monday Tuesday Wednesday, in Danish, are Mandag, Tirsdag, Onsdag.

Hello: Hej
Goodbye: Farvel
Yes: Ja
No: Ingen
Please: Venligst
Thankyou: Tak


Like all romance languages, French has a few difficulties for prospective speakers. There are more verb forms (17, compared to the English 12) and gendered nouns (le crayon, la table). Pronunciation is especially difficult in French, with vowel sounds and silent letters. But the good points? Like all Romance languages, French’s Latin roots make much of the vocabulary familiar to English speakers (edifice, royal, village). Linguists debate the concrete number, but it’s said that French has influenced up to a third of English vocabulary, giving it more lexical common ground with English than any other romance language.

Hello: Bonjour
Goodbye: Au revoir

Yes: Oui
No: No
Please: S'il vous plait
Thankyou: Merci


This is another romance language but Italian is written as its spelled. For learners, reading comes fluidly once a few new phonemes are learned ( like –ghi- or –ci-).
Italian words tend to end in vowels, which makes for really fun, flowing speaking, as you might hear in Italians speaking English (“that’s-a my-a house-a”).Many English speakers like to “study” by reading Italian restaurant menus and salivating.

Hello: Ciao
Goodbye: Addio
Yes: Sí
No: No
Please: Per favor
Thankyou: Grazie


The language is structurally similar to Danish, but with pronunciation more familiar to English speakers. Norwegian, like Swedish, uses a tonal “pitch accent” to distinguish homonyms, stressing either the first or second syllable of the word.

Hello: Hallo
Goodbye: Farvel

Yes: Ja
No: Ingen
Please: Vennligst
Thankyou: Takk


Grammatically, Portuguese is similar to other Romance languages. There are fewer prepositions in Portuguese than in English (easy to remember!) However, their uses don’t always have direct parallels in English (easy to mix up).
One great element of the language is that questions are really easy, (“You love me?”) If you can say it in Portuguese, you can ask it.

Hello: Óla
Goodbye: Adeus
Yes: Sim
No: Não
Please: Por favor
Thankyou: Obrigado


The geographic dark horse of the romance languages, Romanian is often assumed to be the most difficult of the bunch, with its Slavic influences. Not so fast. They say that Romanian is the closest living language to Latin, and has preserved a lot of Latin’s grammatical structure.
Though the language has taken Slavic influences in its vocabulary, the language is still about 80% Latin-based, and full of cognates like sub (under) or obiect (object).

Hello: Alo
Goodbye: La revedere

Yes: Da
No: Nu
Please: Vă rog
Thankyou: Va multumesc


Spanish pronunciation is fairly easy for English speakers, with only ten vowel/dipthong sounds (English has 20), and the easy-to-master letter ñ.Like Italian words are writter like they are pronounced. Which makes reading easier. But particular means “private” in Spanish, and eventual means possible. See how that could get confusing? Still, there’s no shortage of people in the world to help you fix these slip-ups. With 330 million native speakers, it’s the most popular language on this list.

Hello: Hola
Goodbye: Adios
Yes: Sí
No: No
Please: Por favor
Thankyou: Gracias


A fellow Germanic language, Swedish has some vocabulary common with English (mus for “mouse”, kung for “king”).

Pronunciation may be a struggle at first, with nine vowels (like ö or å) and the sje- sound, which is unique to Swedish. Once you master it, though, the language is surprisingly melodic.  Students of the language gripe about the complicated grammar system, but the syntax shouldn’t be unfamiliar to an English speaker. In Swedish, the Subject-Verb-Object pattern is standard word order.

Hello: Hallå
Goodbye: Adjö
Yes: Ja
No: Ingen
Please: Vänligen
Thankyou: Tack

Have you ever been on a school trip to Drayton Manor?

Drayton Manor is the favourite day out for schools and colleges. It's a great value for money plus, there's a host of educational opportunities - History, Heritage, Nature and Conservation, Science, Business and leisure and Health and Safety.

2012 School groups!
Groups of a minimum of 12 pupils age 4-16 in one vehicle. It's only £24.50 per pupil and
£22.00 per disabled pupil*.

Drayton Manor has plenty to offer Groups visiting the park!
There is lots to see and do!! One minute you could be on one of the exciting thrill rides experiencing twists, turns, drops and loops! Next taking a trip through the Thomas Land attraction and shaking hands with the Fat Controller. Then the next minute you could be enjoying a stroll through the 15 acre Zoo, home to over 100 species from all across the world! And much, much, much more!

Group Bookings include:
· Free entry for 1 organiser per coach/mini-bus.
· Free parking for coaches/mini-buses.
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· Free familiarisation visit (max 2 per year) for organisers.
Adult (age 12-64 years )£24.50£19.95
Child (age 4-11 years)£24.50£19.95
Toddler (age 2-3 years)£12.00£9.00
Grandee (age 65 years+)£19.00£15.00
Disabled Visitor & Helper (each)£22.00£17.00
Under 2 yearsFreeFree
Mini Bus ParkingFreeFree
Adult (age 12-64 years )£24.50£17.95
Child (age 4-11 years)£24.50£17.95
Toddler (age 2-3 years)£12.00£9.00
Grandee (age 65 years+)£19.00£13.00
Disabled Visitor & Helper (each)£22.00£15.00
Under 2 yearsFreeFree
Coach ParkingFreeFree
You even get 1 FREE ORGANISER per Coach! Book now for the best day of your life!

A Strange Gift...

Talk about strange! Many girls get a handbag or maybe a puppy, however a certain girl in South Yorkshire recieved a very strange pet indeed! Her early birthday present was 2 female chickens named Snow and Midnight.

Although it was the daughters gift, her father was very excited as he used to have chickens when he was young.

South Korea Plans To hunt Whales

Humpback whale tail in waterSouth Korea, a country in Asia has plans to hunt down whales for "scientific reasearch" officials say. Whale hunting has been banned scince 1986, Austrailia and New Zeland are worried that the scientific research is just a scam to make money. Korea say they have a right to hunt the whales as long as they stick to the rules set by the International Whaling Commision

Turn Up To Prom In Style!

Two 16 year old girls arrive at their prom, not in a limo like they intended but in a helicopter.

Chloe Webb and Lauren Huggett, were disappointed when the driven limos were all booked up. But fortunately, Laurens dad paid £500 for them to have a 30 minute flight to the venue were the prom was being held. The flight took place on Friday and it went 8 miles to the venue in Gloucester. Chloe stated " It was an enjoyable and memorable moment! I have never been in a helicopter before"

Archway School pupils with helicopter they took instead of limo to school prom
"All our friends were shocked when they saw us arrive on a patch of grass next to the tent where the prom was being held" Chloe added.

baby panda tries out the slide !!


Click this link to see the clip,

Baby panda slide video

Then you need to scroll down and you should find the video!!

Our Audience!

Look at how many views our blog has got from all the different places:

United Kingdom = 362
Russia = 145
United States =  42
China = 10
Germany = 10
Spain =  5
France = 5
Greece = 4
India = 3
Netherlands = 3

Post your thoughts, I'll really appreciate it!

Disney's Oz Teaser Poster

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Are Adverts A Waste Of TV Air Time?

After being watched, some adverts make us think 'What was it trying to sell us?', where as others just make us switch channels. So are adverts a waste of TV time?

Most advertisements on TV, for example perfume and car ads, after being watched make us think 'What was that trying to sell us?', because the advert has nothing to do with the item(s) it's suppose to be advertising

Where as other adverts just make us want to changes channels. And we all know which advert that is. Go Compare, with its annoying song, sung by an even more annoying man with a silly moustache,is apparently the most annoying advert on TV. And people hate the adverts so much they even vandalised the billboards... Or have they?

Apparently, Go Compare have purposely 'vandalised' their own billboards as a clever marketing ploy. All the adverts include the 'Compare' part of Go Compare painted out and replaced with witty remarks like 'Get Another Job'.Here are the billboards that are around the UK.

Even on the TV, their adverts have had people trying to stop him from singing. In one of the new July 2012 adverts, a woman shoots a missile at him, trying to stop him from singing.

So, what do you think? Are adverts a complete waste of TV time?

World's Favorite Sport

Sport. It is all forms of competitive physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical fitness. Hundreds of sports exist, from those that only need two participants, all the way to those which have hundreds of participants, either in teams or competing as individuals.
I’m sure we all have some sort of sport that we like to play, or what we have tried. But have you ever wondered what the WORLD’S most favorite/played sport is… If you are wondering what that very question is then look at this…
1.    SOCCER



4.    TENNIS




8.    GOLF