British Child From London Dies
At A Hotel In Egypt!
A young child called
Chloe Johnson from London has sadly lost her life in a pool on a holiday to Egypt.
Chloe Johnson was on
a holiday with her family to a hotel called Coral Sea Waterworld Hotel in the
very popular tourist area of Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt. Coral Sea Waterworld
Hotel is one of the most popular Red Sea holiday destinations in the whole of
Egypt and is the last place you would
expect a death to occur…
The holiday company ‘First
Choice’ have announced that a full investigation will be held into Chloe’s
sudden and devastating death at the very waterpark where her body was
recovered. The hotels manager Ashraf Khalil quoted: “We are sorry this has
happened”, but I am sure this isn’t enough for the family, friends and
relatives of Chloe Johnson. Chloe’s grandmother told Sky News that her
granddaughter (Chloe) was “a lovely, lovely girl” who was “intelligent for her
age”. Chloe is the last person you’d expect to lose her life due to an activity
in a pool and I am sure that her family are absolutely devastated and heartbroken.
A spokeswoman for the holiday company ‘First Choice’ said: "First Choice can sadly confirm that a child has
died while staying at the Coral Sea Waterworld hotel in Egypt. The incident
occurred in a pool in the hotel's waterpark." She
continued: "In partnership with the hotelier, our resort team are working to
understand how the incident occurred, and we will be carrying out a full and
thorough investigation". “At this time our priority is to provide support
to the family."
The hotel manager said that the hotel and First
Choice have organised for a group of investigators from the UK to fly to Egypt
and to the hotel to try to figure out what happened. He said: "The hotel
is waiting to finalise its investigation into what happened together with the
official investigation of the Egyptian district attorney and Egyptian police”. "We
want to see the facts and the most important fact here is that our hearts and
souls are with the family and with little Chloe”. "We have moved them from
the scene of the hotel so they can at least not be in premises where the
accident happened."
He also added: "When the investigation concludes
we will be able to give answers."
This is a very sad story indeed and it just comes to
show that accidents like this can still happen to this very day. RIP Chloe