Highlighting work carried out by the Dinnington Comprehensive School Journalist team
Saturday, 15 October 2011
One in six phones hold e.coli
This is because people are not washing their hands as frequently as they should and that mobile phones are a great breeding ground for germs due to the heat given out and all the germs we spit when we talk into the receiver.
So.. that new iPhone 4S doesn't sound quite so attractive anymore?
Die Hard 5

It has been announce that the new Die Hard will be titled A Good Day to Die Hard. I think the name is okay but its sounds predictable. The Shooting begins in January 2012. The story is set in Russia and begins with John McClane heading to Moscow to try and get his son out of jail but it doesn't all go to plan.
Star Wars back on the big screen.

'Resident Evil 5' Platform Collapse Injures 16 People

On the set of Resident Evil 5 a wheeled platform suddenly collapsed and 16 people where injured. Dozen of actors dressed as zombies where on the platform at the time it collapsed. Ambulance staff had to distinguish between the actors' real wounds and fake wounds that is part of theirResident Evil 5 zombie costumes, Thankfully there was no life-threatening injures. Even though this is quite a unfortunate event, I managed to find it quite amusing!
Friday, 14 October 2011
27 mile chase at 10mph
Caroline Turner, 76, ignored blue flashing lights, but eventually stopped when an officer ran alongside her on a dual carriageway and tapped on her window.He asked her to stop and she said: "Why, what have I done?" a court heard.
The officer explained that her driving was unacceptable.
She replied: "There is nothing to discuss, I'm going home."She was detained in a police cell overnight on Tuesday (4 October) because officers feared her driving could lead to a fatal accident.Turner sparked the major police operation after she drove the wrong way round a roundabout in Thorpe, Essex.She veered onto the opposite side of the road into oncoming vehicles, then refused to stop as cops pursued her along the A12.She was followed by an unmarked police car from Thorpe to Weeley to the A120 and on to the A12.Her speed varied from 10mph to 20mph on the 27-mile "chase".
Police formed a rolling road block and closed the A12 when she refused to pull over. She was eventually pulled over at Marks Tey - eight miles after entering the dual carriageway.Turner, of Gidea Park, Romford, Essex, admitted driving without due care and attention and failing to stop when asked by police when she appeared at Colchester Magistrates'
Rafael Pigott mitigating, said: "Police erred on the side of caution because of an elderly driver knocking over a young girl in the town centre recently."Barry Wheatcroft, chairman of the bench, disqualified Turner from driving for 12 months, fined £100 and ordered to pay £100 costs
Thursday, 13 October 2011
T-Rex dinosaur larger than life!
They have come to the conclusion after 3D scans measured skeletons and found that when the dinosaur was born, they weighed about 10kg (about the same as a 6 month old baby!) but over only 17 years, they would rocket to over nine tonnes! Thats the same as NINE small cars!
Thats twice as large as ever previously thought!

Women to get the same rights as men in Royal succession
Currently, the law states that the King or Queen's son will always be successor despite the fact that they may have older siblings.
However, some politicians think that this is unfair and would like to change the rules so that the eldest child will be coronated, regardless of gender. The Queen took the throne when her father King George VI died, because she has no brothers.
What would the change mean?
If Prince William and Kate's first child is a girl, she will be entitled to become Queen first, even though she is female.
But this new rule isn't going to change anything for older generations of the royal family, so Princess Anne wouldn't leapfrog her brothers Andrew and Edward.
What happens next?
The Prime Minister has to convince the Commonwealth ( the 16 countries including the UK that have the Queen as their monarch) to agree. The talk is planned to go ahead at the end of this month.
This a list of the first ten in line to the throne:
- The Prince of Wales (Prince Charles)
- The Duke of Cambridge (Prince William)
- Prince Henry of Wales (Prince Harry)
- The Duke of York (Prince Andrew)
- Princess Beatrice of York
- Princess Eugenie of York
- The Earl of Wessex (Prince Edward)
- Viscount Severn (Prince Edward's son)
- The Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor (Prince Edward's daughter)
- The Princess Royal (Princess Anne)
Athlete jumps over 3 Cars!

The Expendables 2 set picture

Worlds Largest Chocolate Bar

Ever wondered how big a chocolate bar can get? Well, it can be as big as 4 meters long and wide, weighing at a total of 5,827 kg! Thorntons, in Derbyshire, decided that for their 100th anniversary they will try and break the world record for the biggest chocolate bar. They most certainly have succeeded. The previous Guiness World Record was given to a Chicago company in the US. Their chocolate weighed 5,529 kg. They must be angry now that someone has stolen their world record.
The man that came up with this idea was Paul Bell, from the toffee department in the factory. The idea came from his favourite film; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. More than 50 staff got involved in making this giant, and it took them an amazing 10 hours! But what would you do with such a big chocolate bar? Thorntons decided that they will sell it in stores to make money for charity. Before transport, they will smash it up into little pieces. What if you get a chance to eat a piece of the worlds largest chocolate bar?
Thorntons was founded in 1911, now it is the largest chocolate selling company in the United Kingdom. They sell millions of chocolate bars each year. Thorntons have more than 400 shops in the UK. We all love chocolate, and always think that we can eat as much as we want at one time. But would you get sick if you ate this massive chocolate bar? How long do you think it would take one person to eat this monster?
Its good news all round becauase the people who do the voices for Bart, Homer, Marge and Maggie have now agreed to be paid less just so the show can afford to carry on running the programme for you to carry on watching and laughing at.
(Here's another fact for you to hear about... The Simpsons is the longest ever running cartoon comedy series in America! And it is broadcast in over 100 countries, in more than 50 diferent languages! )
By Emily Booker SLWA
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
The Avengers

US Turn iPad to Braille

The US has built a new program for the iPad to let blind people operate the tablet. It works by placing eight fingers onto the screen, then the braille keyboard appears. To type you simply make different gestures with you fingers. People that can see and are used to normal keyboards, would probably be the most 'useless' in typing on the next generation of keyboards. Obviously, the blind will become experts at typing on the iPad.
"Instead of having fingers that find the buttons, we built buttons that find the fingers." said Sohan Dharmaraja, who is one of the researchers that thought of the idea and helped it come alive. This amazing new invention might be one of the best things designed for people that can't see. Now that this keyboard has been produced, the blind can enjoy the things that we can on the iPad. Of course, there's still the question if it actually works. Is all this really true? Can this really be what it seems? There are many questions that need to be answered, these are just a small fraction of them.
Should organ donors receive a free funeral?
It is believed that it would increase the number of people who are signed up to the Organ Donor Register and help save the lives of people who are depending on a transplant. It would also help support grieving families.
Although there are 18 million people in the UK who are currently signed up to donate, only 1000 people do so each year. This means that Britain has among the lowest donation rates in Europe and half as many as those carried out in the US.
So, do you think it would work?
Sea Level Rising

Scientists say that if this carries on, most of the UK will be under water in about 100 years. This is a terrifying thought for most people, as this means that Big Ben along side other great buildings or attractions near the coast will no longer exist; maybe the fish will be exploring sea life centres, such as The Deep in Hull, far down in the ocean.
If you're wondering, all this has been caused by global warming. The Ozone layer right above the North Pole has been 'cut open' by all the carbon dioxide being released by cars and other modes of transport. Because of this, the suns rays are coming through the damaged Ozone layer and melting the enormous amounts of ice there. Not only the rising temperatures are melting the ice, but they also mean trouble for much of the Earths wildlife and vegetation.
As you may have noticed, in the past few weeks, the temperatures have reached a record high in September this year. This 'freak' weather has confused plants and trees accross Britain into thinking that it was spring. Due to this, some pumpkins for example; have grown to be very small. Meaning that this year people will have to find an alternative fruit or vegetable to carve scary faces into on Halloween.
So, will the world only have water and no land in a couple of thousand years? Have the scientists' calculations been right? Will we be living on boats in the future? The questions still remain, until we find out for ourselves...
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
The Yellow Family is in Trouble!

He’s an interesting fact: the Simpsons has been on our telly for an amazing 22 years now! How good is that! But here’s the thing. Unfortunately, the behaviour and comedy of the yellow family could soon come to a disastrous end…
Want to know why? I’ll tell you. From what has been said, the channel that makes this hilarious show can’t afford to produce the comedy we all love. However, the reason why they can’t afford to is a simple miner thing. The people who provide the most essential part for Simpsons, the voice overs has to be paid less than they originally were for the channel to carry on. But if this does not happen, we will lose the Simpsons for good! THATS THE BAD PART! But don’t you think, if you are doing something crucial for a programme, and then you suddenly hear that you will be paid less, it's a bit much to take in! This could go either way, as getting paid less is never good, and people can just quit their jobs because of it. This could end good or bad!
Now we all hope that the programme stays with us as long as it possibly can! No one can guess what is going to be the next move for the Simpsons. But we will all just have to wait and see what happens next! Could we all lose our most favourite cartoon comedy show? Or could it carry on and keep making us laugh? We'll have to wait and hope for the best!
Keep in touch on Blogger to see what the results will be...
By Emily Booker SLWA
Keep It Safe.

Monday, 10 October 2011
Rumoured Upcoming Films

Here is a list of rumored Upcoming prequels, sequels, reboots and remakes -
- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
- Kill Bill: Vol. 3 (2014)
- Terminator 5 (2014)
- Indiana Jones 5 (year unknown)
- The Evil Dead (2013)
- Top Gun 2 (Year Unknown)
- The Blair Witch Project 3 (Year Unknown)
- The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
- The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
- Batman Reboot (2015)
- Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall (Year Unknown)
- Pirates of the Caribbean 5 (2013)
- Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (2014)
- Avatar 2 (2014)
- Avatar 3 (2015)
- Men in Black 3 (2012)
- I, Robot 2 (2015)
- Independence Day 3 (year unknown)
- Iron Man 3 (2013)
- The Birds (2013)
- Poltergeist (2013)
- The Hangover 3 (2014)
- Bad boys 3 (2015)
- The Expendables 2 (2012)
- Thor 2 (2013)
- How to Train your Dragon 2 (2014)
- Jurassic Park 4 (year unknown)
- Toy Story 4 (2015)
- Austin Powers 4 (2013)
- Hancock 2 (2013)
- The Fast And The Furious 6 (2013)
- Pet Cemetery (2013)
- Carrie (2013)
- Cloverfield 2 (2014)
- Confidential Alien Project (year unknown)
Childhood Films
Hi, my names Lucy Norton, I’m 16 and at the moment I’m doing my A levels. I am studying psychology, IT, English language and media. After my A levels I hope to go to Sheffield Hallam University to study Film and Media Production, as I’ve always loved films and wanted to make my own. I’m going to be reviewing new films and telling you the latest film news, but first I thought I would tell you about some of my favorite films I grew up with that made me interested in films. Let me just say that when I looked back on my childhood films only about 2 are for kids, the rest… well you’ll see.
Toy story (1995) is amazing; I can remember when I was little, I shut my bedroom door and pressed my ear against it waiting to hear my toys talking, but they never did. I even had a woody toy, as he was my favorite character. Unfortunately my cat Belle peed on his hat so I had to throw that away but I still have him. My sister and me found him and we both wanted him, “He’s mine!” we both said, then I replied, “Look under his boot” and there was my name; he was mine. It’s a child’s dream for their toys to come to life and that’s why I love it. When the 3rd Toy Story came out it was like being a kid again; I cry about 2 times watching it, the way they pull on your heartstrings is just mad. I have heard that they might do a 4th one, which I’m not sure if that’s a good Idea, as what could happen next?
The Iron Giant (1999) where do I begin? Well my sisters always cry her eyes out when the telephone wires electrocuted him, and then Hogarth goes to save him. I had to tell her when it was over so she could continue watching it. This film is great for telling kids about life, death and to be who you are; now that might sound sappy but the film is fantastic. It has one of the best endings that will make you cry your eyes out. I think someone should make this into a live action film; maybe Steven Spielberg, or even me in the future.
Alien (1979). Now I watched this when I was 7 years old; that’s right, and it’s an 18. My dad thought it would be a good idea at the time. It scared the HELL out of me! I can remember hiding behind a pillow asking my dad if the cat was okay. I didn’t care if the people where killed, I just wanted the cat to live. After watching it I could not sleep for like a year or even more. It is one of the best sci-fi horror films ever made. But the good thing about watching it when I was 7 is that I’m not scared by it much now because it scared me back then, so maybe it made me stronger.
Jurassic park (1993). I was obsessed by this when I was young, I had dinosaur toys, bedcover, t shirts; everything. I was a dino-geek; I would read books on them and become an expert on them, so much I wanted to be a Paleontologist. I know all the words to this film still and have a poster on my wall now. I just loved the dinosaurs because they looked so real in this film and the plot and the characters were awesome. In 2010 I went to Florida, in one of the theme parks there was Jurassic Park, which was heaven to me. I was queuing up to go on the ride jumping up and down shouting “oh my God, I’m going to see a dinosaur!” Well everyone thought I had problems, which I probably do! Haha. I loved the ride and went on it four times all on the front row. I have heard that they might make a 4th one, I’m not sure what else the dino’s could do; they took over both islands and our city’s! It will be nice to see what they come up with. This was my favorite film until 2007; then a new film changed my life.
In 2007 my Dad wanted to see a film called Transformers; I was 13 at the time and had not grown up with the cartoon so I didn’t know much about it. I went with him as I knew what Steven Spielberg had something to do with it, as at the time Jurassic park was my favourite film and he Directed it . I can remember watching the first scene where a helicopter lands and transforms into a huge robot that kicks our ass! It was the most awesome thing I had ever seen, it made the dinos out of Jurassic park look like pigeons. I became more and more obsessed with it, I got the dvd and broke it as I watch it too many times, so I got the two disc special and watch all the behind footage of how they made it; this made me want to make my own films. I went to see the 2nd one three times at the cinema and the 3rd six times; I know, I’m mad. I just love the action, the battles scenes with the robots blow your mind, the robot characters are amazing and the sound affects are so awesome! Transformers might not have the best plots but it makes it up with the action and great CGI.