Highlighting work carried out by the Dinnington Comprehensive School Journalist team
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Friday, 6 January 2012
Is it a bird? Is it a plane…
apartment. The offender, who was belived to have fled from the scene in his boxer shorts, was blinded by the foggy conditions and hit a raised pavement followed by a large tree stump that sent the car skyward; a whole 10 feet off the ground. The lucky couple inside were mentally shocked but physically unscathed by the incident. After the crash, a 26-year-old man was arested near the house, and the car was later removed by crane.
weirdest restraint in town
We Will Rock You Rehearsals
Student Life
After all, those affected are only children and they need time to relax. Are the government proposing that they destroy their social lives? Because if they continue- they will! As a student myself I am appalled that they are suggesting that we should be in school for more than 6 hours! Isn't a seven hour day a bit long for 5-17 year olds? Do you think that they will go ahead with this plan?
Car Parked In An Odd Spot.
"It appears that they climbed the kerb, the car begins to go airborne, strikes a boulder and a tree stump that further lifts the car airborne and launched it upon the roof about 10 feet behind it," Anthony Martinez of the Fresno Police said.Some residents of the area were startled and thought the whole thing was a prank.
"At first I thought it was a prank like you've been punked or something, I thought somebody lowered the car on the house because that's not something you see everyday," witness Jeanell Ricks said.Police arrested a 26-year-old man a short distance away from the accident scene. He faces charges of driving a stolen vehicle.The vehicle was later removed from the roof by a crane.
give me your gun!
But after getting his own way and the money. The theif stupidly handed his gun over to the worker in stead of an empty bag that he wanted to get rid of.
The worker froze as the crinimal reilished his mistake and tryed to grab the gun, then he run off, before the bank had managed to call the police.
The thief got away on a bike and was never saw again in the area.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Nurse arrested after suspicion of murder
The arrest came as a fourth death emerged - that of an 82 year old man on New Year's Evewhich is still being investigated. Three people died and 16 others were affected by the contamination of saline at the Stockport hospital last summer. Supposedly this man did this awful crime!
He was arrested under section 23 of the Offences Against the Person Act - namely unlawfully or maliciously administering or causing to be taken by another person any poison or destructive or noxious thing so as to endanger life or inflict grievous bodily harm.
650 people were questioned and the nurse was one of them so he had the opportunity to step forward!
Will it snow this year?
Last year cars had to stay on drives, pot holes were formed, schools were closed
and parks were completely coverd with snow but suprisingy this was in November almost reaching December. It's already January the 5th and we have had hardly any snow what so ever!
It's really windy in England at the moment and it is extremly cold! Could this affect the chances of snow?
Little Mix talk to Newsround about X Factor life
This group have had an interesting interveiw with Newsround.
What do you think life on the X Factor is like? A better question would be... What is X factor like when you're the first group to tip the 1st place? Well X factor winners, Leigh-Anne, Jesy, Jade and Perrie say that it has changed their lives so much being a popstar, to what they were doing before. Nel (the interveiwer) has also asked them what they don't like about being famous and being a popstar, I wonder what the answer will be...
102mph winds in Scotland!
Where's the snow gone for the UK?

Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Snake put on a diet!
now the keepers at the Australian reptile park in Gosford, has put here on a diet limiting her to only three to four goats a year!
Betty usually swallows a goat in or about 1 hour though it takes one week to fully digest.
Betty was imported to the zoo at about 2001 from the US, and is now believed to be the biggest snake in the whole of Australia.
Despite measuring around 22ft Betty has still not reached her full length and has still around about 7 years to grow sevrel feet!
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Happy New Year!
Well, it is now officially 2012 (unless you are Chinese). New year's resolutions have been made but does anybody actually stick to them? Is the temptation of chocolate too much? Besides - It is tradition to have some form of alcohol as the clock strikes 12, so will people fail before it has even begun? Probably. Also the fireworks scare dogs. So are these traditions all that great and realistic? Hong Kong spent over 4 million dollars on fireworks alone. More than most people's wages in their lifetime! Isn't that a bit extensive? What do you think of tradition?
Dancing on ice.
Hopefully there will be some familiar looking faces this year, unlike some last year.
These are the celebs who will be taking part...
Andy Akinwolere - TV Presenter, used to presente Blue Peter
Heidi Range - Singer, in The Sugababes
Jennifer Ellison - Actress, used to be in the TV soap Brookside
Laila Morse - Actress, plays Mo Harris in Eastenders
Chesney Hawkes - Singer, had a big hit 20 years ago with The One and Only
Rosemary Conley - Health and fitness expert
Corey Feldman - Actor and Hollywood star of movies like The Goonies and Gremlins
Chemmy Alcott - Skiier, has taken part in three Winter Olympic Games
Andy Whyment - Actor, plays Kirk in Coronation Street
Sébastien Foucan - Invented an extreme sport called free running, or parcour
Matthew Wolfenden - Actor, plays David Metcalf in Emmerdale
Jorgie Porter - Actress, plays Theresa McQueen in Hollyoaks
Charlene Tilton - Actress, was in a famous American TV Series called 'Dallas'.
There may be a very big change this year because Christine Bleakley is going to be the presenter insted of Holly Willoughby! Also the entertainment starts on the 8th of January, so this is pretty soon. The program will be shown on ITV1 at officially 6:30pm.
ring found on a carrot!!!
After that she searched with her family for the ring, and even pulled up some floor boards yo try and find the ring. Her family eventually gave up as they thought it had gone from the farm forever.
That was until October 2011 as when Lena was picking her freshly grown carrots from her garden, when on one of the carrots she noticed something around it... It was her white gold, diamond-encrusted ring.
She and her husband think that the ring had fallen in the potato peels that day and then feed to the sheep. As her compost uses composted vegetables and sheep dung.
Lena and her husband later quoted "We're keeping it in aa safe place"