Highlighting work carried out by the Dinnington Comprehensive School Journalist team
Saturday, 5 November 2011

J. J. Abrams film Sequels

Friday, 4 November 2011
James Bond 23

Fridge ruled out as cause of fire!
Thursday, 3 November 2011
children's christmas boxes!

Fill a child's life with joy this christmas.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Landing Disaster

When the Boeing 767 was about to land, it's wheels had failed to open. The pilot acted quickly and informed the airport. The runway was closed to all other flights, they evacuated the area around the airport; and sprayed the tarmac, where the plane was hopefully going to land, with a flame-retardant liquid. Before making an attempt to land, the pilot circled the Warsaw airport, for over an hour, to get rid of some of the fuel still left in the tanks. If he hadn't done that then probably, when landing, the plane would go up in flames.
Then finally, the pilot landed the plane on its belly. The fire crews sprayed it with water just as a precaution. The shocked passangers were all quickly evacuated from the Boeing 767. The people on the plane were very lucky. "The plane landed safely on its belly on the runway which had been sprayed with special flame-retardant substances. All the passengers disembarked, no-one was injured," said a spokesman for the airline, LOT.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011

As it is only November, most people were surprised that it is snowing so early this year. On halloween, pumpkins were covered in snow, and some of the kids have been told not to go 'trick or treating' as it might be dangerous. Because there has been so much snow, trees have been collapsing onto roads and killing several people. The people of America are calling it 'Shocktober' because it has only snowed, at this time of year, four times in over 100 years. During this disaster schools were closed, and power lines were severly damaged. With so much snow, there is obviously going to be a lot of water after it all melts.
People are saying that the 'snow cloud' will slowly drift towards us. There might be about a metre of snow this year. If this does happen to us then it will cause massive problems for adults, because they won't be able to get to work; which means there will be less money. Less money means less christmas presents, not a good thing for some of us kids. When it snows, children are always happy because they get time off school, and get to have snowball fights with their friends. Will all this happen to us this year? How much snow will there be? We will just have to find out, and it seems that we won't have to wait for long...
An Amazing Day!
Sally Jones came to us and we asked Sally if we could possibly interview her about her past of being a BBC Presenter and about the rounders as well, seen as though Sally was the one who organised this. .
We went to speak to Miss Abdulkarim about interviewing her about what she does for sports. We managed to interview her and we talked about what sports she has been successful in and about the rounders that was going on.
Next, we asked Sally if we could possibly interview her about her past of being a BBC Presenter and about the rounders as well, seen as though Sally was the one who organised this. So again, we all interviewed Sally.
Finally Mike Bushell came, so we cracked on interviewing him! We asked Mike questions about his job as a BBC Presenter and about his sportive life. One of our questions was "what is your favourite sport?" And Mike replied that he liked football the most, out of the 125 sports he has tried. This was really interesting to find out.
Over all, all the journalists had a great day!
By Emily Booker SLWA
Mike Bushell's day at Dinnington!

Washing Machine Accident
Rachel was in the living room at the time of the accident and only came out as she heared her son screaming loudly."When I asked him about what happened, he said, 'I opened the door and went round and round and then my arm fell off,'" Rachel told the news."I can't believe he was able to open the door so easily. It was terrifying. I'm devastated," Rachel later added.
A report from Yahoo News that in the Perth suburb of Hilton last year, three-year-old Sean Murphy and his cat was found unconscious in a front-loading washing machine in the family home. Both the toddler and the cat died in the tragic accident.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Top 10 Best films for halloween (not in ranking order)

1. Alien - A spaceship, investigating a SOS coming from a distant planet. The crew discovers a very powerful and scary alien.
2. Psycho - A young woman steals $40,000 and encounters a young motel proprietor too long under the domination of his mother.
3.The Thing - A shape-shifting alien confronts Scientists in the Antarctic, which is very hard to kill.
4. The Shining - A family stays in a hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father into trying to kill his family.
5. The Exorcist - A child is possessed by a mysterious entity.
6. Rosemary's Baby - A women becomes mysteriously pregnant,and becomes paranoid over the safety of her unborn child begins controlling her life.
7. The Birds - Birds suddenly begin to attack people.
8. Poltergeist - A family's home is haunted by a host of ghosts.
9. Dawn of the Dead - Zombies rise from the dead.
10. Saw – People are put through tests that are life-threatening to make them think about how they live their life.
Jurassic Park 4 the signs are good.

Spielberg has said "The screenplay is being written right now by Mark Protosevich. I'm hoping that will come out in the next couple of years. We have a good story. We have a better story for four than we had for three..."
Looks like Jurassic park 4 is deffo happening, as it even has a IMDB page up that says Sam Neil and Jeff Goldblum are rumoured to be back. Is that a good or bad thing? Well we have to wait and see.
The Adventures of Tintin - Secret of the Unicorn review

Film Review: Paranormal Activity 3 (spoilers)

Paranormal activity 3 is a prequel to the other 2 films; Katie gives a box of old videotapes to her pregnant sister, Kristi, and Kristi's husband, Daniel. A year on Kristi and Daniel's house is burgled and the only thing missing was the tapes. So what was on the tapes? Well, then the film goes even more back to Katie and Kristi’s childhood and it seems they didn’t have a normal one.