Highlighting work carried out by the Dinnington Comprehensive School Journalist team
Friday, 13 April 2012
Woman dislocates her neck after sneezing
While sitting up in her bed two weeks ago Monique Jeffery, 28, sneezed twice and then managed to dislocate her own neck! Leaving her unable to move. Luckily she had her phone in her hand and was able to ring the emergency services.
Monique said. " I just knew something was wrong as i felt something move, and then i was in allot of pain."
Fancy doing that i think that Monique had really good luck as if she hadn't have got her phone it could have ended worst.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
One Direction And Simon Cowell’s Record Label Being Sued. Part 1
If i asked you, who are the members of the popular boy band, One Direction your answer would probably be Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson. Well if that was your answer i would tell you that your wrong. Apparently before Simon Cowel put the band together there was allready a band in the US that goes by the name of One Direction
Simon Cowell's record label, Syco Entertainment, and Sony Music have been served with a $1 million lawsuit, according to the Hollywood Reporter.The lawsuit claims that the UK One Direction can't be in the American market without causing consumer confusion and destroying the goodwill of the US One Direction.The US band uses an example of a recent segment on NBC's Today, where the UK group was shown but apparently the accompanying music '2012' was by the US band.US One Direction isn't signed to a label, but has been selling its album, The Light, on iTunes since February 2011, which the group's attorney points out is well before the UK band released its album.The attorney claims the UK band was made aware of US band when it attempted to file an application with the US Trademark Office, and it is the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board that is assessing it all.
One Direction might be forced to change their name, just like Pink Floyd changed from The Tea Set, and The Grateful Dead switched from The Warlocks.Another option is to add a prefix or suffix, like The Charlatans UK, The English Beat or Wham UK.However, Simon Cowell and One Direction are allegedly resisting this route.The American band's attorney says they've been in negotiations for a month, to no avail, and therefore One Direction LLC filed a lawsuit against Syco and Sony for an injunction plus $1 million in damages.
There's no comment from the defendants at this time.
Men in black 3. trailer!
New look for Blogger.
This is a video showing where to find all of the old features.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Game for eye's
The programme has been designed to help children with a problem called a lazy eye, which is when the vision in one eye doesn't develop properly.
By playing the game the brain is made to work the lazy eye harder, helping it to work correctly.
World's first flying car?
The makers say it's the first vehicle in the world to have met strict safety standards for both flying and driving in America.
This makes it the first "street legal aeroplane", said the man from the company making it.
Known as the Terrafugia Transition, the vehicle has two seats, four wheels and retractable wings.
One Direction taking over Australia.

Cinima release John Carter (12a)
http://www.viewlondon.co.uk/films/john-carter-film-video-41434.html click on this to get a link to the trailer for John Carter. And if you scroll down on the page you can find pictures and reviews for this film.
Enjoy watching!
Monday, 9 April 2012
Madagascar 2 trailer.
this is a link to the new Madagascar 2 trailer that gives you a real taste of the plot of the story.
Upcoming film releases for May 2012
Friday 4th May
Marvels, the Avengers
First position
Friday 11th May
Dark Shadows
Tuesday 15th May
The Apple Pushers
Friday18th May
Friday 15th May
Men in Black 3
Moonrise kingdom
The Shard: daredevils climb UK's tallest building to capture amazing London skyline images.
A group of “urban explorers” have trespassed into The Shard, the skyscraper that dominates London’s skyline, capturing dramatic footage of members perched precariously hundreds of feet above the ground.
For most people, a weekend hobby usually involves more genteel activities such as gardening or collecting stamps. One group of daredevils has an altogether riskier pastime which involves entering some of the country’s most high profile landmarks and “off limit areas” and posting pictures of their exploits online.Their latest conquest appears to be The Shard, a breathtaking pyramid-shaped glass construction which dominates London’s skyline and is set to become Europe’s tallest building when building finishes.Members of the “London Consolidation Crew”, comprising of mainly middle class professionals, claimed to have bypassed the building’s high level security during a series of “trespassing incidents” over the past year.The latest, understood to have occurred in recent weeks, led three members to climb nearly 80 storeys to record a series of breathtaking images of views of up to 40 miles long.
They also gained access to the Britain’s highest crane perched on top of the structure and admired the stunning views for more than 30 minutes at a time.But the incidents has raised serious questions about the security of the building, based at London Bridge station, on the eve of the London Olympics.While the London Consolidation Crew, which has about 24 members aged between 18 and 32, claimed the site had just one visible guard, officials denied the site was a security risk.
Best Friends Riding Against Each Other.
Two best friends will race each other in the Grand National on Saturday, both hoping to become the first woman to win the race.
Two months ago Nina Carberry and Katie Walsh were lined up at the altar as bride and bridesmaid.On Saturday the best friends will be side by side again – at the starting line of the Grand National, where both hope to become the first woman to win.Like every National rider they will have to beat the rest of the field of 40 and the infamous hazards of Beechers Brook and the Chair.But they will also have to beat their own families: Miss Carberry's brother Paul is racing, and so is her brother-in-law Ruby – who is Miss Walsh's brother.The tangle of family connections is hardly surprising, as the two represent racing royalty, with a series of National winners already in the family.
Miss Carberry's father Tommy ended Red Rum's hopes of a third successive National win when he was victorious on L'Escargot in 1975, and her brother Paul won in 1999 on Bobbyjo – a horse trained by their father.Miss Walsh's brother Ruby won the National in 2000 on Papillon, a horse trained by their father Ted, and again in 2005 on Hedgehunter.And in February, the two great Irish racing families were united when Miss Carberry married Ted Walsh Jnr – Katie and Ruby's brother, at a ceremony in Rathoath, County Meath. Miss Walsh was bridesmaid and Ruby Walsh was best man.When the Carberrys and the Walshes are under starter's orders, it will be the first time four such closely related jockeys have lined up at Aintree,
Other families might be concerned at the potential for divided loyalties, with a £1 million prize and the honour of either 27 year-old being the first ever female winner at stake, but the Carberrys and the Walshes, appear more relaxed.Miss Carberry's mother Pamela, said: "It's a very open race, you can't get your hopes up – but you never know. I am proud of them both. It's great for them to get this far, for them to get the opportunity."Bookmakers are favouring Seabass, the horse which looks likely to be ridden by Miss Walsh and which is currently at 16/1.
Jet Engine 'Blows Woman Away'
A woman was blown off her feet after she deliberately stood in the jet wash of a plane taking off at Princess Juliana International Airport on the Caribbean island of Saint Martin.
The woman was on Maho Beach, which is situated right next to the airport, when she deliberately stood in the turbulence that formed behind an aircraft as it was getting ready to take off.She can be seen trying to hold on to the airport's fence as the turbulence gets stronger but she loses her grip and is blown away, falling to the ground.Footage shows beach-goers running over to her to check on her.Saint Martin's Princess Juliana International Airport has a very short runway of about 7000ft (2,180m) meaning that planes have to take off and land as close as possible to the beginning and end of the track which is right next to the beach.The woman appears to have ignored signs on the beach warning that jet blasts from the planes can cause injury or even death.
A Guide On How To Care For Teenagers - Written By Teenagers.
Two 17-year-old schoolgirls have written a guide for parents on how to raise teenagers.
Parents of teenagers will know that there is no greater mystery than what is going on in their children's minds.Now, however, help could be at hand, with the release of a new parenting guide on how to raise adolescents – written by two 17-year-old girls.Megan Lovegrove and Louise Bedwell, schoolgirls from Cheam, south west London, have written the manual based on their own experiences as well as interviews with 100 of their peers.The book contains more than 200 pages of advice for parents on how best to handle their teenager, on topics from sex and drugs, to tidying up their bedroom.
On this often contentious issue, the guide, which is published this week, suggests giving children three hours to clean their room and not to check until the time is up.The authors say the tactic is likely to pay off for parents because teenagers feel they are being trusted. To lure reluctant adolescents out of their room, the book recommends straightforward bribery.Parents are also told how they can stop their homes being wrecked by house party gatecrashers: by ensuring that when their teenager organises the event through the website Facebook, details are only visible to friends and the full address is not disclosed.Another practical piece of advice in the book – "Teenagers Explained: a manual for parents by teenagers" – is to reduce your teenagers' phone bills, by encouraging them to use smart phone "apps" for free messaging, such as Viber or Whatsapp. However, this advice may entail helping them to buy such a device first.
Other tips for parents include:* do not fuss too much over your own appearance as this can rub off on your teenager and make them sensitive about their looks.* "scare tactics" can work to keep your child off drugs: saying how they can ruin your hair and skin would discourage many girls.* do not ban your teenager from social networking sites – they will sign up anyway. It is better to make sure they are aware of safety implications.
Megan and Louise, who attend Nonsuch High School for Girls, a grammar school in Cheam, were selected to write the book after a publisher asked pupils from 50 schools in the area to take part in a creative writing contest.Louise, who lives in Cheam, with her father, an IT worker, and mother, a personal assistant at an accountancy firm, said: "We wanted it to be a real 'tell it like it is' manual from the teenagers' perspective."We had to analyse our own behaviour when writing the book, and that has certainly helped us to recognise how at times we may have annoyed our parents, and also how we may have unintentionally worried them, such as when going out without telling them where."
Drivers Stop Hit And Run Escaper.
A driver who knocked down a cyclist and then tries to escape is blocked in by other motorists until the police arrive.
The accident happened on the Fahy Bridge in Bethlehem Pennsylvania on Monday when a motorist attempted to overtake a bus and ran into the back of cyclist Frank Pavlick, knocking him to the ground and severely damaging his bike.As the driver sped off from the accident bus driver Richard Gubish Jr who saw the crash in his rear view mirror positioned his bus across both lanes of the bridge, effectively blocking his escape. A car then pulled up behind, effectively stopping the driver from leaving the scene.
According to Bethlehem Police the driver was taken into custody and charged with multiple offences, including breaking Pennsylvania's latest law to protect cyclists which only went into effect on that day.
A Californian Fuel Tanker Bursts Into Flames.
A petrol tanker truck bursts into flames on a California highway, shutting down roads and causing traffic to pile up but reportedly causing no injuries.
The fuel tanker caught fire after it was split open by an alleged drunk driver's car.The truck which was carrying nine thousand gallons of gasoline (34,069 liters), hit a guard rail and overturned after being hit from behind by a Honda sedan.t took 150 firefighters and two water-dropping helicopters to put out the blaze in Glendale, California.Several parts of the highway were closed after flames from the overturned tank spread on the roadway.The driver of the car whose name was not released was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated.
Easter Monday Washout as Torrential Rain and Winds Batter The UK.
Easter monday is predicted to be a wash out as there will be torrential rain and gale force winds hitting the UK.
Forecasters warned that persistent showers and winds of up to 45mph will sweep the country, bringing a “miserable” end to the Bank Holiday for millions of holidaymakers.The Met Office said up to two inches (50mm) of rain could fall across the entire south coast, from Cornwall to Kent, as the sunshine and record-breaking heatwave, which graced March, becomes a distant memory.Showers are expected to fall for more than 10 hours in the west. Up to eight hours of rain is set to deliver half an inch of water to drought areas in the east.On Sunday night, the Met Office said no severe weather warnings had been issued despite most areas facing strong winds of up to 45mph.
The entire country is also expected to experience rain at some stage today while snow and sleet is forecast to sweep across much of the north on Tuesday. The wettest areas are likely be North Wales, southern coast areas and parts of the west including Dartmoor.Tuesday is set to be even wetter, with frequent heavy daytime showers and the risk of hail and thunder for many areas with rain set to continue for much of the week.
But experts warned last night that dry areas will need significantly more rainfall to alleviate the most draconian hosepipe bans that have been introduced in more than a generation.While temperatures will struggle to hit 53.6F (12C), the Met Office said it would feel much colder due to the driving rain and strong winds.Up to four inches of snow is forecast for Scottish mountains, with flakes also settling on northern England’s Pennines and in north Wales.The rainy weather is set to remain for much of the week, with frosts also forecast for many parts of England and Scotland.
“I think pretty much every area across the country will see some rain,” said Rebekah Sherwin, a Met Office forecaster.“For some people it will certainly seem like a very wet day.“It will feel colder that the actual temperatures when you take into account the wind and rain.”She added: “It is probably not a great day for those who wanted to be outside walking but it won’t be enough for drought areas.”
Despicable me 2! tralier link.
Information about the film.
Release date: July, 3rd 2013
Staring: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Miranda Cosgrove, Russell Brand, Al Pacino
Genre: Animation, comedy.
Studio: Universal pictures.