On Friday the 19th of July 2013, Dinnington
Comprehensive will break up for the 6 week summer holidays at 12:30pm. Sadly
for the school as well as students leaving, there are also a few teachers
leaving as well. Media teacher: Mr Welch and English teacher: Mrs Frost will
also be leaving the school as well. I am sure that all students at DCS will be
relieved and thankful for the 6 week break, as so am I! Year 9 was a very
chaotic year as work such as options and preparation for our GCSE’s has to be
done at the last minute as a result from the early transaction, so the 6 week
break couldn’t come any sooner for me! In my opinion, I think that a 6 week
break isn’t quite long enough for us students and teachers as well. Me and many
teachers who I have spoken to say that we should have a longer break off school.
I think that we should have a longer break at summer because us students need
more time to prepare for the new year, especially for the year 9’s going into
year 10 as we need more time to get ready for GCSE’s. Also teachers need more
time off as they need more time to prepare for their lessons, they need extra
time to prepare lessons and to buy equipment and other essentials they might
The 6 week holiday for me is a time where I can spend
quality time with my family and friends. The 6 weeks away from school gives me
chance to go out and do things like swimming, ice skating, shopping, going to
the cinema and going to outdoor public parks to relax and enjoy time together.
All of these activities are things that I don’t have time to do during the school
period as we only have the weekend to plan and organise days out, whereas when
we have a long break off school, it is much easier to plan and organise these
kind of things which I wouldn’t have got chance to organise beforehand. The
kind of activities I hope to do during the summer period are such things like
ice skating, swimming and shopping with my friends, and going on day out trips
with my family. These kind of days out with my friends are essential because of
the fact that now I am going into year 10. In year 10 we are all split up,
meaning that I won’t get the chance to see my friends as often as I would have
done in year 9. These types of activities give me and my friends the
interaction we need to stay close friends as when we return in September, we
will lose contact with each other. In addition, this is another reason why I think we should have longer breaks. We need more time to
spend time with the people who we need most, our family and friends.
However as the end of the break approaches, I will most
certainly find myself buying things for school such as clothing and equipment
that I will be needing for year 10. I feel quite excited for the new start as I
will be carrying on with my GCSE’s from what we started in July 2013. However
on the other hand, I am fairly nervous for the new start as well, as I know
that things are going to get a lot harder and expectations will be higher than
ever. Whichever way, I am looking forward to the challenges that await and for
what lies ahead…