Friday 1 June 2012

Is It The End For Bucket Sized Drinks?

Is It The End For Bucket Sized Drinks?

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decided banning sales of large soft drinks. Does this mean the end of the popular, money-making bucket-sized cups of soda?

The cold, sugary goodness of a big cup of Coca-Cola delights Chris Alexander, he quips it helps sooth his post-traumatic stress disorder.

"If I get agitated, I'll have an incredible urge to get a Coke," says Alexander, a 37-year-old US Army veteran who served several tours in Iraq.

"They're quite popular," says Margaret Chabris, a spokeswoman for 7-Eleven, which has 7,800 convenience stores in the United States.
"People are quite thirsty and want a large-sized soda."

Rowboat-sized soft-drinks have been marketed to Americans for decades. We don't think that the Americans will be very impressed the XXL drinks will be banned.

New York City soda cups
The Americans put drinks out and sugar to
show how much is in the amount they are drinking
7-11 sodas
Big, bigger, biggest: 7-Eleven sodas in 32, 44 and 64-ounce sizes

by Daniel Milnes and Andrew Barringer

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