Tuesday 19 June 2012

Dance vs Gymnastics

There is a certain mystique to women and men who can move their bodies in amazing and beautiful ways. Dance is as much a part of the world’s artistic history as literature, music, or the visual arts, and its beauty is just as varied and complex. Dance allows people to discover, explore and develop their natural instincts for movement, enabling students of dance to develop not only their motor skills but also their mental and emotional personalities. It's the expression of soul through lines of the body and pure movement. Dance is also a road that can that can quickly lead to injury if the body is not treated properly. A dancer often dances for the love of the movement, for the quest after physical perfection, putting in long hard hours in order to become professional. However, one must care for the body and its needs and limitations, or too much practice can be too much of a good thing. Different types of dance emphasize different movements and techniques. For example Ballet, which serves as a foundation for all types of motion, consists of a set of mandatory positions and steps; while there are various techniques and styles of ballet, exacting foot work and rigid posture are always required.

When I did dance, to me, dance was everything. It's a stress relief, creative outlet, the love of my life. It was my passion. When I did it, I was happy.

Gymnastics is so much more than what we see on TV. "Acro" as this sport is often known is a sport for both women and men. This form of gymnastics combines strength with flexibility, power with agility and precision. This sport is amazing for how many skills you can learn and build upon. In other words, Gymnastics is a sport involving the performance of exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and balance.

I do Gymnastics at Rotherham Sports Acro, I love it! Rotherham Sports Acro... (they take any age group!)

From Super Tots to Competition Squad,
Super Tots' can start at 5 years of age and they learn the basic gymnastic moves: cartwheels, headstands, handstands etc. They are beginning to learn how to use their body in a way of balance and co-ordination.
After 'Super Tots' gymnasts move to Tuesday or Thursday General Classes. These classes are a slightly more advanced level of gymnastics where the gymnast becomes ever more aware of the endless abilities available to them in this sport. Pre-Comp'
A lot of time and effort is spent on coaching this squad to bring them up to competition standard as these gymnasts are the future Rotherham Sports Acro Competition Squad. More emphasis is put on the finer points of gymnastics in the way the gymnast points their toes and keep their legs straight and their body tight. In Sports Acrobatics you are unable to compete until you are 8 years old in the year of competition. Often the 'Pre-Comp' consists of youngsters much younger than 8 years of age as this enables them to get used to different skills and have confidence in their ability for when they are old enough to compete.
Competition Squad - This squad is one which we are very proud of as they go from strength to strength each year. This squad performs some complex moves and compete probably 4 - 5 times a year. The majority of the year the gymnasts are training for competitions and are required to compete at high standards which they usually do. The 'Competition Squad' train and do conditioning 3 - 5 times a week.
At Competition level the Gymnasts wear a Club leotard and tracksuit. The Gymnasts usually start competing at Regional Novice and progress through levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. They then continue through to junior and senior international. We hope that every member of the 'Competition Squad' has the ambition to compete at this level. Gymnasts from the 'Competition Squad' have won medals at Club, Regional, County and National Level.

So any age, why not do sports? Dance or Gymnastics.
Which one do you prefer?


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