Tuesday 10 January 2012

London 2012 Quiz

(a)  What are the names of the mascots?
1. Wendy and Fred
2. Harry and Fendock
3.Wenlock and Mandeville
ǝllıʌǝpuɐɯ puɐ ʞɔoluǝʍ
(b)   Which country held the games last?
1. China
2. France
3. Russia
(c)   Which country will hold the games after London?
1. Mexico
2. USA
3. Brazil
(d)   Which of these sports will be held on the Prime Minister's doorstep?
1. Cycling
2. Beach Volleyball
3. Rugby
llɐqʎǝlloʌ ɥɔɐǝq
(e)   Which of these sports will not be played at the games?
1. Softball
2. Basketball
3. Hockey
(f)   Which of these sports will kick start the games?
1. Women's tennis
2. Women's football
3. Women's rugby
llɐqʇooɟ s,uǝɯoʍ
(g)   Where did the games origionally come from?
1. Poland
2. Greece
3. Japan
(h)   How many holes are there in the torch?
1. 6,000
2. 120,000
3. 80,000
ɹǝɹɐǝq ɥɔɹoʇ ɥɔɐǝ ɹoɟ ǝuo '000'08

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