Wednesday 2 November 2011

Landing Disaster

A Boeing 767, which is supposed to be one of the safest planes in the world, made an emergency landing in Warsaw, after it's landing gear failed. Onboard, there were 230 passangers who all escaped unharmed. This plane was flying from Newark, in the US, to Warsaw in Poland.

When the Boeing 767 was about to land, it's wheels had failed to open. The pilot acted quickly and informed the airport. The runway was closed to all other flights, they evacuated the area around the airport; and sprayed the tarmac, where the plane was hopefully going to land, with a flame-retardant liquid. Before making an attempt to land, the pilot circled the Warsaw airport, for over an hour, to get rid of some of the fuel still left in the tanks. If he hadn't done that then probably, when landing, the plane would go up in flames.

Then finally, the pilot landed the plane on its belly. The fire crews sprayed it with water just as a precaution. The shocked passangers were all quickly evacuated from the Boeing 767. The people on the plane were very lucky. "The plane landed safely on its belly on the runway which had been sprayed with special flame-retardant substances. All the passengers disembarked, no-one was injured," said a spokesman for the airline, LOT.

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