Tuesday 4 June 2013

Who Will Be The Next Doctor Who?

madeira.hccanet.orgAs we all know, Matt Smith (the former Doctor in Doctor Who) has announced that he will be leaving at the end of the year in a Christmas special! Since then, hundreds of rumours have been spreading about who will become the next doctor and replace Matt Smith faster than the Tardis on a trip back in time!

dahtamnay.blogspot.comSo the question is, who will it be? Well apparently it has been suggested that for the first time in the history of Doctor Who, the doctor could be a black actor or even a WOMAN! Could you imagine a female playing the role of the doctor? I know I couldn’t!

Well from what has been said in the rumours, he is a list of people who could get the role of the doctor…. (Don’t forget this is just a suggestion of who might get the part!)

Chances: 9/10 – Rupert Grint

Chances 9/10 – Russell Tovey

Chances 8/10 – David Harewood

Chances 7/10 – Billie Piper

Chances 7/10 – Rory Kinnear

Chances 6/10 – Dame Helen Mirren

Chances 3/10 – David Beckham

Chances 1/10 – Joe (Newsround presenter)

This seems like a rather interesting list indeed. But nothing is for certain, you will just have to wait and see to who the next doctor will be…


  1. Doctor Who is the name of the show. So, the title should say: "who will be the next Doctor?" Seeing as the Doctor's name is The Doctor. Just saying... ;)

  2. this is abi,
    they have already basically told everyone that it will definitely be Rory Kinnear. and for two his name is not dr who. dr who is the name of the show because no one knows his actual name. he is referred to as 'the doctor'. if you insist on posting articles with random information that bears no relevance to dr who (THE SHOW!!!) then please use the correct information. im sorry but you could at least use a realistic group of people as your 'possible doctors'. if you actually went on google to look for some actual information about the show from a reliable source, i.e steven moffat, then you could actually produce an article that could go towards being in someway useful or informative, or idk interesting.

    good day emily booker.

  3. Marcelina you rude little girl! All of your posts are bias!

    1. Who are you?! How do you know my name, eh?
