Friday 26 October 2012

Gorilla Family Goes Back Into The Wild

A family of gorillas who live in Kent are going to be released back into the wild. The park in Kent say that the family are going to be the first captive family ever in the world to be released back into the wild. Altogether in the family there are 11 gorillas, which are going to be released back into the wild.

The family are going to be moved earlier next year to where the number of creatures that live there are low so nothing can hurt them. Also Gibbons, Javan Langurs and two elephants will also be released into the wild.  Aspinall  foundation who will be helping with the challenge have said that it would be one of the most ambitious tasks that they have ever had to do. For more information visit

1 comment:

  1. There was LOTS of mistakes in this story, you need to go back and check your work in future!

    kent - Kent
    says - say
    firt - first
    releasedback - released back
    in the family altogether - altogether in the family
    there is - there are
    that are - which are
    goimg - going
    woth - with
    on - of
    thatthey - that they
    hve - have
    imto - into

    (Edited By Emily Booker)
