Tuesday 25 September 2012

Trampolines, a danger to kids?

Doctors in the USA have said trampolines are huge health hazards an children should restrain from using them.

The AAP (an American company) estimates that almost 98,000 people are injured each year in the US on trampolines and many are children. They want to raise awareness in many other countries.

The UK authorities agree as they say its a sport which is becoming more popular by the day in the UK but the amount of injuries from trampolines are also on the rise.

Dr Michele LaBotz said: "Families need to know that many injuries occur on the mat itself, and current data do not appear to demonstrate that netting or padding significantly decreases the risk of injury."

Researches have said the most likely injured will be when there is more than one person is on the trampoline. Also children under 5 are the most likely to get serious injuries.

48% of injuries on the trampoline lead to dislocations, fractures and breaks. Some can be life affecting, for example if you land a somersault wrong its could result in spinal problems and devastating consequences.

UK authorities have said trampolines can be fun as long as there is adult supervision and only one person is on the trampoline at once. Trampoline injuries occur less when there's adult supervision.

So next time your on a trampoline be careful and make sure you have supervision because more than 50% of injuries on the trampoline leads to hospital!

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