Friday 25 May 2012

Hedgehog Had a Tinfastic Day :-)

A hedgehog with was found with his head stuck in a tin of carrots has now been nursed back to health. He was discovered on a road side
e by a couple from in Norfolk earlier this month. They couldn't get him out so to help him breath they cut of the end of the tin. Alison Charles from the RSPCA said the Hedgehog would have died if he had not been found when he was. He suffered  miner injuries but is now making a full recovery. Alison said that '' This again highlights the dangers that litter can pose to wildlife,''
she then went on to say '' Incidents like this can easily be prevented if people just picked up there rubbish ... remember to squeeze cans together before trowing them away so no wildlife can get hurt.'' A hedgehog with its head stuck in a tin can

1 comment:

  1. sorry i did the same post as you, i didn't realise you were writing it! :)
