Sunday 9 September 2012

All About Me

I was born in Poland where I lived until I was 8 years old. It was then that my parents decided that we should move to England, my parents went first to see what it was like and if they could get a job. Meanwhile, me and my sister stayed with our Grandparents until our Mum and Dad did so. I think it was on the 19th of January 2007 that my Mum came to get me and my sister. Unfortunately, at that time I had school holidays so I didn't really get to say goodbye to my friends.

We flew over here by plane, it was my first time and I was a bit scared. I remember thinking about what was going to happen when we arrive here, I was worried about going to school and meeting new people. I knew a little bit of English because I learnt it at school in Poland, but to be honest with you, the way that I was taught to speak English was very different to how people here actually talk. However, my sister had absolutely no idea about how to speak English so it was very hard at the start for her. We started going to school about a month after we arrived. When I walked into my classroom everyone was staring at me and I didn't like it. It was like being left in China all alone not knowing what people were saying to you. Or like standing in front of numerous winding paths in a mamba black forest all leading into the unknown.

At first, I didn't do anything in lessons beacause I didn't understand most of what the teacher was saying. But when I did, I copied the person next to me (the teacher said I had to) until I was alright to do work by myself. Most of what I wrote made no sense at all:
'She run to door. He run to She...' This is the first thing I wrote and I know that because I still have my old exercise books at home. Whenever I look through them now, all I can do is laugh at how I used to write. All the way through primary school I learnt more and more English and I could speak English better too. Now, people tell me, that they can't even tell that I am not English.

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