Thursday 19 April 2012

Animal Quiz

1. What kind of animal is the emblem of the US republican political party?
A. Elephant
B. Tiger
C. Lion

2. What colour is an ocelot?
A. Yellow with brown markings
B. Yellow with white markings
C. Yellow with black markings

3. Which type of animals have more teeth, reptiles or mammals?
A. Mammals
B. Reptiles

4. What is another name for a Guinea Pig?
A. Tavy
B. Levy
C. Cavy

5. What is the name for a collection of frogs?
A. Army
B. Gang
C. Group

6. Which animal is the fastest, a hare, greyhound, or horse?
A. Horse
B. Greyhound
C. Hare

7. Which sense is the weakest sense in most primates?
A. Their sense of smell
B. Their eyesight
C. Their Hearing

8. Animals living in what type of habitat are arboreal animals?
A. In the desert
B. Amongst trees
C. Near a stream

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