Friday 23 March 2012

Gym & Dance Evening - A huge hit!

On Wednesday the 21st and Thursday the 22nd of March 2012, at 7pm in the Main Hall, there was an event called Gym and Dance Evening, that takes place just about every year at Dinnington Comprehensive School.

Everybody is welcome to come and watch this spectacular event. This amazing event is where students from our school, perform and show off their talents. We had acts from dancing, gymnastics, trampolining and singing! The audience were wowed as more and more brilliant acts took to the floor!

We all know that the olympics is arriving to London soon, so we thought it would be a great idea if we could bring some olympic spirit to our main hall. So we decided to get some willing students to act daft pretending that they are an olympic torch hopeful or athletes, and they all did a slow motion walk around the hall, passing the torch to each other. When the last person got the torch they did the walk to Mr Blackwell, and when they passed it to him the light went out, the whole room went black!

Overall, all of the talented students who parcipitated on the night had a great time! And I'm sure we all can't wait until next year's Gym and Dance Evening when we will perform again, showing the brilliant talents Dinnington Comprehensive has!

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