Saturday 10 December 2011

Madagascar - Escape Africa

One bizarre lemur had left Madagascar in search of a new life in London; with massive consequences. Vets were stunned when a ring-tailed lemur was found suffering from hypothermia in sub-zero temperatures on the night of December 6th, 2011. The primate, who had been named King Julien after the character from the movie Madagascar, has been given a clean bill of health and is now waiting for a more suitable habitat.

The lemur was found in Tooting Common, London. Nurses at Blue Cross Animal Hospital were initially worried for King Julien's health, as he would not eat or drink anything. Luckily, they managed to tempt him with some honey dropped through a syringe. The charity say there in no way in knowing how a lemur ended up in London's streets. They originate from Madagascar, and require a special license to own. Maybe, as the movie suggests, they are slightly smarter than they look!

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