Thursday 8 November 2012

Hedgehog Trapped in Crisp Packet

It took more than three hours to rescue a baby hedgehog that got caught inside an empty crisp packet. 

The rescuers had thought that the baby hedgehog was attracted to the warmth and smell of the crisp packet. The packet was behind some railings which meant that it took longer to get the animal out. The hedgehog was found in Somerset, England. The hedgehog is now recovering in a local rescue centre and will stay there for the wintertime. When the winter is over then he will be released into the wild. For more information visit the cbbc website at

Hedgehog that got trapped in a crisp packet

1 comment:

  1. Added capital letters on the title and throughout the story.

    Changed lots of words to make it make sense and added some words to make it make sense.
