Sunday 12 February 2012

The new Student Journalists display!

As some of you might of noticed, up stairs in the new building, (where you head for media) is the brand new Student Journlaist display.

On there shows all the work which the journalists have done in the past, e.g. Mike Bushell's interview. Also on the display, there is a write up about what the display is about, there are write up's which we journalists have written up by choosing our favourite story which we had already written in the past. There are also pictures and some more write ups about all the interviews we have done.

So why not go and take a look at our new display to see for yourself what we have been up to!! You cannot miss the display, as it has huge lettering at the top and it is very colourful so you cannot miss it! And again you can locate our display in the NEW BUILDING on the top floor, the display is located when you get to the top of the stairs then you turn left like you are heading to Media. On the right is the display.
(Display is made by Emily Booker, Maisie Waring, Phoebe Morton + Andrew Barringer)

By Emily Booker SLWA

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