Monday 16 January 2012

The Titanic of 2012

In the 100th year since the Titanic sank, a more advanced cruise ship in both technology and safety procedures in place, The Costa Concordia has gone to close to the port, hit rocks and has partially sank just off the Italian coast.

It has not fully sunk under the water as the boat hit the rock so close to the island that the water is not that deep and the boat is resting on the bottom. The owner of the Cost Concordia has blamed the captain, Captain Francesco Schettino, for this incident and in reply the captain said "The rocks were not showing up on the radar, there was no way i couldn't of moved from them"
Not even 300 yards off the Italian shore in the med was the boat when it sunk so passengers literally jumped of and swam to safety.

There have been many roumors about the ship and captain. Alot of people say that the captain was one of the first to jump off to safety, even though the captain should go last. Although its resting on the sea bed, the ship is in fear of sliding off and rupturing the fuel tanks. The ship is at the moment in water at a depth of 45ft but if it slides it will go down to 100ft.

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