Monday 10 October 2011

Childhood Films

Hi, my names Lucy Norton, I’m 16 and at the moment I’m doing my A levels. I am studying psychology, IT, English language and media. After my A levels I hope to go to Sheffield Hallam University to study Film and Media Production, as I’ve always loved films and wanted to make my own. I’m going to be reviewing new films and telling you the latest film news, but first I thought I would tell you about some of my favorite films I grew up with that made me interested in films. Let me just say that when I looked back on my childhood films only about 2 are for kids, the rest… well you’ll see.

Toy story (1995) is amazing; I can remember when I was little, I shut my bedroom door and pressed my ear against it waiting to hear my toys talking, but they never did. I even had a woody toy, as he was my favorite character. Unfortunately my cat Belle peed on his hat so I had to throw that away but I still have him. My sister and me found him and we both wanted him, “He’s mine!” we both said, then I replied, “Look under his boot” and there was my name; he was mine. It’s a child’s dream for their toys to come to life and that’s why I love it. When the 3rd Toy Story came out it was like being a kid again; I cry about 2 times watching it, the way they pull on your heartstrings is just mad. I have heard that they might do a 4th one, which I’m not sure if that’s a good Idea, as what could happen next?

The Iron Giant (1999) where do I begin? Well my sisters always cry her eyes out when the telephone wires electrocuted him, and then Hogarth goes to save him. I had to tell her when it was over so she could continue watching it. This film is great for telling kids about life, death and to be who you are; now that might sound sappy but the film is fantastic. It has one of the best endings that will make you cry your eyes out. I think someone should make this into a live action film; maybe Steven Spielberg, or even me in the future.

Alien (1979). Now I watched this when I was 7 years old; that’s right, and it’s an 18. My dad thought it would be a good idea at the time. It scared the HELL out of me! I can remember hiding behind a pillow asking my dad if the cat was okay. I didn’t care if the people where killed, I just wanted the cat to live. After watching it I could not sleep for like a year or even more. It is one of the best sci-fi horror films ever made. But the good thing about watching it when I was 7 is that I’m not scared by it much now because it scared me back then, so maybe it made me stronger.

Jurassic park (1993). I was obsessed by this when I was young, I had dinosaur toys, bedcover, t shirts; everything. I was a dino-geek; I would read books on them and become an expert on them, so much I wanted to be a Paleontologist. I know all the words to this film still and have a poster on my wall now. I just loved the dinosaurs because they looked so real in this film and the plot and the characters were awesome. In 2010 I went to Florida, in one of the theme parks there was Jurassic Park, which was heaven to me. I was queuing up to go on the ride jumping up and down shouting “oh my God, I’m going to see a dinosaur!” Well everyone thought I had problems, which I probably do! Haha. I loved the ride and went on it four times all on the front row. I have heard that they might make a 4th one, I’m not sure what else the dino’s could do; they took over both islands and our city’s! It will be nice to see what they come up with. This was my favorite film until 2007; then a new film changed my life.

In 2007 my Dad wanted to see a film called Transformers; I was 13 at the time and had not grown up with the cartoon so I didn’t know much about it. I went with him as I knew what Steven Spielberg had something to do with it, as at the time Jurassic park was my favourite film and he Directed it . I can remember watching the first scene where a helicopter lands and transforms into a huge robot that kicks our ass! It was the most awesome thing I had ever seen, it made the dinos out of Jurassic park look like pigeons. I became more and more obsessed with it, I got the dvd and broke it as I watch it too many times, so I got the two disc special and watch all the behind footage of how they made it; this made me want to make my own films. I went to see the 2nd one three times at the cinema and the 3rd six times; I know, I’m mad. I just love the action, the battles scenes with the robots blow your mind, the robot characters are amazing and the sound affects are so awesome! Transformers might not have the best plots but it makes it up with the action and great CGI.

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